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👋 Welcome to Leadto

We connect the dots,
you spark the conversation

We connectthe dots, you spark the conversation

Trusted by 100+ progressive companies

We build the bridge, so you can build therelationship

Prevent time loss and frustration in prospecting

Reliable data at the DMU level so you save time and can focus on what matters: the proposition and the appointment.

Discover new opportunities and make valuable connections

Leadto combines the best of technology with a personal approach, ensuring you always reach the right person with a strong pitch.

Book appointments and score more new deals

Leadto software offers real-time insights into your campaigns. You can easily follow up on warm responses via your own mailbox.

Use cases

Leadto supports companies across various industries with different propositions. Here are some notable cases:

More qualitative conversations, more deals

Without Leadto..

With Leadto!

Leadto generates lead campaigns for us, enabling more efficient time use and better focus on closing deals.

Tommy de Geus
Key Account Manager New Business - Marktplaats

Implemented within 2 weeks

Binnen 2 weken geïmplementeerd

Target group

Who do you want to meet? Define this wisely with Customer Success and segment target groups together.

The approach

The customer success manager creates an email approach tailored to the provided proposition and goal. Fine-tune this approach together with us.

Prospect data

Receive prospects in your Leadto account. Filter out current relationships from the list in this environment.

Insights & results

Our portal offers insights into target groups and leads. Monthly optimizations based on achieved results.

Interested? Request a personal presentation!

Want to know if we can also approach your specific target group? Let us know, and we will get to work!